Socially Connected

Living well with Parkinson's requires staying active and connecting with others.  To encourage our members to do so, we offer a variety of activities, including group sharing meetings, luncheons, potlucks, Friends Night Out, Meet & Greet, and SAC Club.

See our calendar for dates and times of these activities.

We're more than members; we're friends!

Getting to Know our Support Group

By Charlene Ostlund

The Thursday social gatherings at Posada Java began probably six years ago as weekly meetings between Sue Colley and me when I was president and she was vice-president. Originally, we…


Holiday Luncheon Photos

By Sue Colley

Our Holiday Luncheon was Thursday, December 5th at the Valley Presbyterian Church. Reader’s Theater participants presented a holiday themed skit and members of the Chair Exercise Class performed a fun…


Enroll in the Bank

By Charlene Ostlund

Outsiders ask, “How does your support group offer so much?”  The answer is our volunteers. We can only do as much as our volunteers contribute in time and energy. The…


Chicken-Foot Dominoes, Quiddler, & More

By Sue Colley

September also brings new activities to the PAC.  Put Tuesday afternoons on your calendar and come play a new game. Nancy Hurst is introducing members to these two opportunities for…


P.L.A.Y. in July

By Jane Bottlinger

Location: The Parkinson’s Activity Center, 555 N. La Canada Drive, Green Valley, AZ


2023 Annual Meeting & Potluck

By Sue Colley

Did you miss our 2023 Annual Meeting & Potluck on May 9th? Catch up here! MEETING VIDEO SLIDE PRESENTATION


Lunch Bunch

By Jane Bottlinger

Join our Lunch Bunch held on the fourth Thursday of each month at Triple Play (1570 W Duval Min Rd. in Green Valley – near the Animal League), at 1…


Loud Crowd Spring Schedule

By John Goulet

As as a Person with Parkinson’s (PwP) and you complete evaluations and therapy with Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs), you are encouraged to attend LOUD Crowd. Most find performing daily…


Feb. 10: (P.L.A.Y. Date) Valentines With Bonnie

By Jane Bottlinger

What better way to say “I Love You” than with a handmade, personal valentine. Bonnie Gore is back with a wonderful idea for showing our sweethearts what they mean to…