Readers Theater

readers theater

The new Parkinson’s Activity Center opened just in time to meet the next group of Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP). These post-graduate students at Midwestern University depend on individuals and groups like ours to obtain the clinical experience needed to graduate. We, in turn, are the beneficiaries of vocal exercise, practice, and guidance – all done under the guidance of highly experienced professors. Plus we have fun.

In the comfort and convenience of a central location using a new audio/video system, how easy can it be? Join us every Thursday for Readers Theater at 2:30, followed by LOUD Crowd at 3:30.

If you’ve never had voice therapy, or if it’s been a while, consider contacting one of the providers listed in our handouts.

Parkinson’s Activity Center
555 N La Canada, Ste 127
Green Valley, AZ 95622
(520) 777-4847