October Lecture: Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s


Friday, October 6 at 2:00 pm;
GVR Las Campanas Social Center (565 W Belltower Dr.).

October is National Physical Therapy Month. Treating Parkinson’s disease requires a team of medical professionals that includes a physical therapist. Andre Porterfield is PWR! (Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery) Certified and works at Proactive Physical Therapy in Green Valley.

Who should attend? If you or your loved one with PD

~is losing muscle strength.
~is experiencing shuffling & smaller movements.
~has stiffness of muscles and joints.
~has balance issues.

Our lectures are held in-person at GVR Las Campanas Center (565 W Belltower Dr.), presented on Zoom in real time, and recorded and posted on our YouTube Channel.

Strive to Know; Know to Thrive