Loud Crowd

If you are a Person with Parkinson's (PwP) and have completed evaluations and therapy with Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs), you are encouraged to attend LOUD Crowd. Most find performing daily solo practice very difficult, which is where LOUD Crowd comes in. It's a means of encouraging daily voice practice. In conjunction with Midwestern University's (MWU) Speech and Language Pathology Department, the Parkinson's Support Group of Green Valley is participating in research to determine the value of group LOUD Crowd participation via hybrid telecommunication.

We meet each weekly at the Parkinson's Activity Center (555 N La Canada Drive, Green Valley) for group exercise with SLP graduate students and faculty at MWU. While LOUD Crowd is aimed at those who've received therapy from a qualified SLP, if you're curious or considering voice therapy, you're encouraged to join in. It's an opportunity to observe, participate in vocal warm-ups, and socialize in a casual venue.

Speak Out & Loud Crowd Flyer

For more information: supportgroup@gvparkinsons.org